!tempban (player's name) 3h (reason)
You can put: h(hour), d(day), w(week), m(month)
!nuke (name) (reason) i think this kills a player
!slap or !slap 1, !slap 2 (depends on which time you will slap him(kill him i think)
!msg1 rule4 this will show the selected rule in the middle of everybody's screen(you can also put your message, not necessary a rule)
!k (name) (reason) kicks a player
!w (name) (what you want to warn him for) warns a player- you can put !w (name) (rule1) or 2 or 3 and so on...
!map mp_(name of map) changes the map
!permban (name) (reason) this command bans a player PERMENATLY! this is suggested not to use if you have no premission!!
!unban (name) you will need this command to unban a player that you or somebody else banned
if !msg1 doesn't work, you can also write: !bigtext (message that you want to show)
!scream (text) repeats that message 5 times to every player
!kickall this is for kicking all players on the server(i don't know if it kicks you)
!banall this bans all players on the server for an amount of time that a superadmin selects
This are the commands that everybody on B3 with at least 80 power should know!! sorry if i'm being mean...